more than just a brand
Aesthetic encompasses balance, harmony, beauty of both body and mind. The Aesthetic Kingdom is dedicated to providing quality products, services and life changing education.

“The journey is more important than the destination”
I am pretty sure you have heard that quote once or twice in your lifetime. It is somewhat true, but in reality, most of us, well.. I know I am, are quite impatient when it comes to attaining goals! Do you want to wait 10 years to build a great physique or achieve your personal health and fitness goals?
What if I told you that you can make incredible physique transformations in as little as 6-12 weeks! You can, if you know what you are doing, and are armed with the knowledge and the tools to make it a reality.
I created Aesthetic Kingdom with the goal to not only provide quality products but to provide a learning platform in the form of a hardcover book and E-courses. This is created with over 20 years of experience in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. I am not going to blow my own trumpet here, but briefly, I have owned and operated 3 gyms across the Asia Pacific region, won numerous Physique competitions, written countless articles for magazines and more importantly witness thousands of people make major mistakes when it comes to health, fitness and bodybuilding!
How do mistakes help?
Well, let me put it like this. There are hundreds of ways to do something wrong, but only a few ways to do something right! So, logically if you can tick off all the wrong ways you are ahead of the game so to speak. My goal is to share years of knowledge, including the things you should never do if you want to achieve success in health and fitness, or build an impressive physique.
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About this site
My website has three sections. The first is apparel, a range of men’s and women’s clothing featuring the Aesthetic Kingdom branding. The second is my aesthetically designed sport supplement range featuring ingredients that I feel produce the best bang for the buck in respect to body transformation and performance. Last, but not least is my Aesthetic Education section, featuring, my book The Aesthetic Bible in Hardcover and an online E-Course, personally created to help you achieve your dream physique.
I am here to help
Health and fitness is my life, it has been since I started out at 12 years old. I am over 40 now and still feel as healthy as ever. Sure, I am not in peak condition like I was in my twenties, but you can see by the image to the left that I am still holding up pretty well for my age. So if I can do it, you can. There is no age limit to making progress if you are armed with a proven plan, a plan based on experience, logic and work ethic.
I am not going to say it’s easy. Because the word “Easy” is a red flag, a buyer beware flag. I am going to say it can be a lot “easier” if you KNOW what you are doing.
One of my favourite quotes is “Things are either easy to do;or easy not to do”
Plain and simple. If you are willing to invest a little hard work, I can and will show you how to succeed.
Your friend in health and fitness
Steve Jones